Responsible AI

Transparency, Compliance, and Data Assurance

Focus on the speed and advancement of AI models. Let DataTrails help root you in explainable practices.ย  Delight users with explainable transparency, prove your models are properly trained, and ensure trustworthy verifiable outputs.

  • Easily identify the training datasets that went into a model
  • Guarantee legitimate use and compliance with any policies
  • Track outputs with verifiability and transparency


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Media Authenticity & Auditability

Validating authentic content is now critical in a landscape fraught with theft, fraud, and misattribution. The key to establishing authenticity lies in linking content with immutable metadata, creating a definitive, verifiable record of data lineage. Such evidence empowers users to determine if assets are either trusted or untrusted.

  • Preserve immutable audit trails through long-term data integrity
  • Instantly verify content with cryptographic hashes and metadata
  • Mitigate theft and fraud

Chain of Custody

Enhance Your Supply Chain Oversight

Chain of Custody solutions require verifiable, chronological sequences of activities, persisted to a tamper-proof, immutable ledger. DataTrails does the heavy lifting, associating the identity of operations with the actions and events of your workflow. Supporting IETF SCITT standards, DataTrails makes it easy to integrate with apps that rely on safe, secure & trustworthy data.

  • Verifiable, immutable traceability for who did what and when
  • Ability to verify the integrity of events, without disclosing the details of the event
  • IETF standards-based API seamlessly brings trust to your operations
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Contact Us

Contact us to set up a demonstration of the DataTrails platform with one of our provenance specialists.

RKVST is now DataTrails!

We've listened, we've learned, and the market has definitely spoken! Our old name just wasn't…

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Creating DataTrails for Supply Chain Artifacts

In a world where software is produced, distributed, and re-distributed, how do you ensure the…

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Customize your Access Policies with DataTrails

Signing up with DataTrails comes with the ability to share your audit trails with your…

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